Do what you love and ... you will work ALL the time ;)

I love what I do, so almost all the work I do is a pleasure. BUT, wearing all the hats in my business makes for an incredibly busy life.

I meant to keep up with this blog but between creating new patterns, sewing sample quilts, teaching quilting classes, filling orders, shipping orders, all the work involved in vending at shows (selecting fabric, cutting fabric, packaging fabric nicely to make attractive kits, packing the truck nicely to fit as much as possible in it, driving for hours and sometimes days at a time, unpacking the truck, setting up the booth, working the booth and interacting with customers - my favorite part of the show, packing the booth, packing the truck, driving home - are you tired yet?) and paperwork, I really did not find the time. I hope you will forgive me and keep coming back. I do want to make the blog a priority and post at least once a week.

Coming in October, simple tips to make my Only One pattern even easier.